Difficulties encountered and future developments

Difficulties encountered

    We have used a low-cost drone. It has several problems:
  • It has a fly autonomy of a quarter of an hour and it cannot support a heavy weight. This is a substantial problem because we are unable to mount addictional components on the drone and in particular the 9V batteries. As an alterative we mounted three 3.3V button batteries that are less heavy and they have less performance in terms of power supply. As a result, the performance of the mounted circuit on the drone decreases in terms of power.
  • The alimentation given by Arduino is not sufficient for the charging of the antenna. In particular, it was necessary to add the buck converter externally powered. This problem is correlated to the weight dispute on the drone.

Future developments

  • Increase distance between transmitter and receiver

    The antenna works within a radius of 100 metres. A possible future developments is the use of a bigger transmission radius antennas, so it can reach wider areas. A cryptography protocol is mandatory to ensure a secure communication with an increase of distannce between the two antennas.

  • Creation of a mobile app

    In this moment, the application runs on the PC only. It can be uncomfortable to use in inconvenient and secluded places. Hence the aim is to create a mobile app that is available on the phone.

  • Creation of a PCB

    After the creation of a prototype, the normal continuation of the project is to realize a PCB. Consequently it will also be possible to reduce the weight that the drone has to carry while flying.

  • Add mine sensor

    To complete the project it will be necessary to add the mine sensor. This can be done in two ways:

    1. Using the sensor developed with the project: www.diegm.uniud.it/bernardini/Laboratorio_Didattico/2017-2018/2018-Drone/index.html
    2. Using a sensor already present on the marketplace. Such sensors are very expensive and heavy. This is the reason why the sensor for detecting the mine was not included in the project but only simulated. A possible sensor to use is the one devised by researchers from the University of Mississippi in the United States. They have developed a new generation sensor that uses the laser to detect buried objects, even while the detector is in motion. According to what is reported in the official publication, this new device should be more effective than existing technologies in detecting anti-personnel mines, which pose a serious threat to the safety of those living near contemporary or past war zones.

Polytechnic department of engineering and architecture

Università degli Studi di Udine