Arduino Bluetooth IR Remote Controller Project

Hardware & Software

  Hardware required

All the components needed for the hardware part of the project are listed here below:

Arduino M0

Arduino board @ 48MHz, powered by Atmel’s SAMD21 MCU, featuring a 32-bit ARM Cortex® M0 core.

IR Photodiode

Just a common ir photodiode, for analog signal revelation and study.


IR receiver module. It receives PWM IR signal and outputs a digital Hi/Low signal.

BJT NPN Transistor

A bjt-npn transistor BD241B, by STMicroelectronics.

IR Led

3x IR Led for signal transmission.

47 Ω Resistors

2x 47 ohm resistors for IR led.

2700 Ω Resistors

3x 2700 ohm resistors for photodiode and BJT base pin control.


Bluetooth module HC-05 for bluetooth communication between Arduino and a Master device (Android, PC, ...)

  Software required

And now the required or recommended software:

Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE, highly recommended v. 1.7.10 due to compiling errors on others.



Fritzing, graphic circuit design software.



Processing, used for drawing the signal waveform in real time.

Visual Studio

Visual Studio

Visual Studio Community 2015 for C/C++ and Web developing.

Android Studio

Android Studio

Android Studio is the official Android IDE.

Android Studio


Notepad++ ... for everything!