  • Drone
  • Mine
  • Arduino

Smart Agriculture This Smart Agriculture project consists of using LoRa technology to build a low-cost IoT prototype that allows the parameters of a field and a greenhouse (parameters such as temperature, soil moisture, UV light, etc.) to be monitored remotely using modules with sensors placed in the area of interest and a gateway that receives the transmissions from these modules. The data collected can be viewed remotely via a graphical interface from any device with an internet connection, subject to security authentication. The strengths of the project are the low energy consumption of the modules, which allows them to be autonomous, the possibility of transmitting data without the subscription costs of LTE solutions, the high operating range of wireless communication and the total customisation of the modules.

Monitor fields and greenhouses with Low-cost IoT

Ivan Di Betta, Klaid Shyti, Lorenzo Zaccomer

  • LoRa
  • LoRaWAN
  • Gateway

Smart Mirror No abstract available

A mirror that displays info you could access only from your smartphone.

Bernardi Thomas, Gerussi Enrico

  • Smart Mirror
  • Two Way Mirror
  • Raspberry Pi

SD Card with hidden partition This project focuses on the realization of a SD card prototype whose main property is the fact that it has an integrated memory partition accessible by the user thanks to a unique enabling device which allows the access to that zone in an exclusive manner. This means that only the user endowed with the enabling device is able to perform reading/writing operations on that special partition. To realize a higher security level, the hidden partition is disabled by the card every time the hosting device powers itself off. Therefore, the user must extract the SD card from the hosting device and insert it into the enabling device to gain access to the hidden partition once again. Once the partition has been enabled, the card can be inserted into the hosting device. This prototype has been realized in VHDL language to implement it on a FPGA.

Keep sensitive photo away from inquisitive eyes

Matteo Stefanutti, Cristiano Modesti

  • SD Card
  • Memory
  • security

Steganographic phone No abstract available

A secure phone service

Zampieri Sara, Drius Andrea, Marini Matteo

  • steganography
  • python
  • stream
  • Speech recognition
  • Speech synthesis
  • C sharp
  • SmartTimeTracker
  • RaspberryPi 3A+
  • Python

SmartOctahedron, un TimeKeeper semplice e smart! SmartOctahedron is a project developed by Nicholas Bon, Alessio Cortiula, Alessio De Prà and Federico Spagnolo at the University of Udine, under the course of "Didactic Laboratory of Information Engineering" by prof Riccardo Bernardini (Master degree in Electronic Engineering). SmartOctahedron is a timekeeper: a device who measure the time spent for each different job in a context. User can choose the current activity by rotating the octahedron on the correct face. The device is connected to a smartphone via Bluetooth. The smartphone collects all the data and show the user a list of all jobs followed by the time spent for each one. The Xamarin based application can store and manage all the data received in various captures.

This Octahedron will help you keeping track of your activities

Nicholas Bon, Alessio Cortiula, Alessio De Prà, Federico Spagnolo

  • timekeeper
  • arduino
  • electronics

Sniper Remote Scope The Sniper Remote Scope project concerns on a multidisciplinary teamwork that covers different fields as hardware design and firmware development for the sensing part, math and software development for the robot kinematics and vision part and, last but not least, computing and networking for data trasmission and interfacing. The aim of the whole project is to build a vision based digital rifle scope able to provide an augmented reality service helping the shooter in all the situations in which the visibility is low. The main idea of the whole work is to use a vision based approach to reconstruct the relative pose, aka the unknown positions, between two cameras, located in a neighborhood of the target, in a stereo RGB-D setup and a laser projector on the rifle. Once the relative transformation between rifle and target is known, we use the orientation of the rifle measurements in yaw and pitch angles taken by two angular sensors and all the obtained kinematic transformations to intersect a virtual ray lying on the gun barrel and the target to obtain, on the LCD, the right point where the gunshot would go.

Augmented reality digital scope for aiming in low-visibility conditions

Fornasier Alessandro, Marcon Mattia, Mazzer Simone, Zannier Giulio

  • Remote scope
  • Vision based estimation
  • Kinematics transformation
  • Arduino
  • Photovoltaic
  • Internet of Things
  • Internet Of Things
  • visible light
  • vlc communication

Cuffie Attive Antirumore No abstract available

Cancel selectively strong, impulsive noise (e.g., shots)

Davide Pin, Scapol Marco

  • cuffie attive
  • real time audio
  • noise detect
  • Impulsive Noise Reduction
  • ANR
  • clipping

Project Unearth Project Unearth is a study concerning use of radar for mine detection. This work focuses on the applicability of drone detection.

Mine searching with a drone equipped with a ground-penetrating radar

Riccardo Fontanini, Chiara Bergagnini

  • Drone
  • Trasmettitore
  • Radar
  • audio
  • inaudible sounds
  • Arduino
  • Android
  • InfraRed

Controllo di un sensore per tomografia di impedenza elettrica Questo progetto ha come obbiettivo la costruzione di un sistema di tomografia ad impedenza elettrica (EIT). Quest'ultima è una tecnica di diagnostica non invasiva per la ricostruzione della forma di campioni biologici. Il progetto in particolare si è focalizzato sulla costruzione del sistema necessario alla misura della matrice di impedenza. Si è quindi realizzata una parte hardware per la generazione e gestione dei segnali di eccitazione opportuni e una parte software dedicata all'acquisizione delle tensioni agli elettrodi e del calcolo della matrice di impedenza. I risultati ottenuti sono stati validati su un prototipo di matrice resistiva.

Recover biological sample shape from impedence measurements

Pitassi Silvano, Iurich Mattia, Hoxha Aldi

  • EIT
  • matrice impedenza
  • labview
  • TCP
  • UDP
  • Android
  • videoconferenza
  • correlazione
  • angolo di arrivo

Eye Tracker Il progetto consiste nella realizzazione di un tracciatore oculare basato sull’algoritmo di starburst e i contesti applicativi in cui si inserisce sono svariati. Esso può infatti essere utilizzato in ambiti quali: * scrittura oculare per soggetti affetti da disfunzioni motorie * indagini pubblicitarie per l’analisi dell'attenzione e dei punti focali * web marketing per l’usabilità di un sito Web * applicazioni militari per la gestione di sistemi di guida e di arma in diversi veicoli * applicazioni ludiche in fatto di realtà aumentata Lo scopo del progetto è quello di realizzare un dispositivo low cost e open source che potrà essere utilizzato senza necessità di strumenti avanzati e in seguito sviluppato a seconda dell’applicazione di interesse. In particolare, il dispositivo si classifica come un sistema head-mounted nel senso che lo strumento di tracciatura deve essere indossato dall’utente. Il progetto è stato realizzato con il toolkit Openframeworks che a sua volta sfrutta le funzioni di libreria di OpenCv per la gestione avanzata di immagini. Il complesso è eseguito su una scheda Raspberry Pi 3 B V1.2 connessa ad una videocamera PS3eye montata su un paio di occhiali senza lenti.

Let the computer follow your gaze

Bortolin Giovanni, Ferrario Andrea, Ortolan Moreno, Savoia Matteo

  • Eye Tracking
  • Raspberry-Pi
  • Human Maching Interface
  • Domotica
  • Distributed
  • Ethernet

Indoor Enviromental Quality Analyzer The purpose of the whole system is to monitor the indoor environmental parameters in order to estimate the overall quality of the interested location through a sensor network. According to the Internet of Things paradigm, I.E.Q.A. system consists of spatially distributed autonomous base stations equipped with sensors, LCD display, actuator, data storage device and a board that supports a Linux distribution with built-in WiFi support. Every single base station is able to send/receive data over WiFi (802.11b/g/n) in a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) to/from a virtual Linux server which is aimed to process and display data through a dedicated web application. The latter, processes the data using a mathematical model based on the combination of parameters obtained by multiple regression analysis. keywords: "IoT, distributed, WLAN, WSN, 802.11, HTTP, GET, POST, network, sensors, Arduino, Yùn, Linux, virtual machine, virtual server, heat index, multiple regression analysis, statistics, hysteresis, database, MVC, CodeIgniter"

Environment monitoring with an IoT approach

Davide Cocco, David Palma, Jacopo Piani

  • IoT
  • distributed
  • WLAN

Video follower No abstract available

Follow automatically the teacher during a streaming lesson

Mattia Dal Ben, Manuel Guglielmini

Video follower 2 No abstract available

Follow the teacher during a streamed lesson

Dazzi Martino, Mele Leandro Julian, Pilotto Alessandro

Virtual graphic tablet No abstract available

Use a pointer and pretend to have a graphic tablet

Sist Paolo


Cassa Intelligente No abstract available

Take your loudspeaker where you want and listen from any source in your home

Pangallo Bruno Mirko, Tumaini Francesco, Urban Cristiano

Thermostat No abstract available

Control your thermostat remotly and minimize energy consumption

Alessandro Brisotto, Luca Francescon, Mattia Guacci, Davide Righini


Mouse 3D No abstract available

Navigate your virtual world in an intuitive way

Edotti Andrea, Errante Matteo, Simonetti Michele, Tonetto Enrico

Solar-powered PC No abstract available

A low-power laptop powered by sunlight

Ferigo Diego, Kapidani Bernard

Submarine No abstract available

A unmanned, underwater remotely operated veichle (ROV)

Roberto Cheng Hivai, Stefano Colonna, Andrea Locatelli, Michele Scarsini, Andrea Cossettini, Tommaso Rollo


Virtual Piano No abstract available

Play a virtual piano with a fake keyboard

Alessandro Biason, Giulia Giordano, Christian Olsen, Federico Pever, Stefano Venica

  • virtual piano
  • music
  • ultrasounds

Virtual Piano No abstract available

Play a virtual piano with a fake keyboard and an ultrasound source

Marco Cagnelutti, Elvis Kapllaj, Marco Gava

  • virtual piano
  • music
  • ultrasounds