Welcome to I.E.Q.A. system website


This website concerns the project realized in the course "ICT Laboratory" held by prof. R.Bernardini and which is part of the Master's Degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Udine. In this course the teacher assigns to the students a project which is specified at the "user level", that is, it is said what the final outcome of the project must do, but not how it does it. Thus, every technical choice is left to the students which have to design a system that actually meets the specifications.

Project description

The purpose of the whole system is monitoring the indoor environmental parameters in order to estimate the overall quality of the interested location. According to the Internet of Things paradigm, I.E.Q.A. (Indoor Environmental Quality Analyzer) consists of spatially distributed autonomous base stations which communicate in a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in order to pass their acquired/stored data over WiFi to a server which exploits a dedicated web application.

To learn how the system works press the "Learn more" button or go to the page "How it works". To see photos and videos of the system in action press the "See it in action" button or go to the "Gallery" page.