Using the PHP scripting language, a web application has been created that allows the user to view the data in the database. To access the web application, simply write on the browser of your device the IP address assigned to the Raspberry Pi.
On the "Attività giornaliera" page you can view the list of activities recorded today with start and end time. In this case, you view the data from the today_time table of the database.
On the "Registro attività " page you can view the summary of the activities carried out day by day with the time spent for each of them. This page displays the contents of the daily_activitiestable of the database. A button allows the user to reset the register by deleting all the records in the table.
In the Battery section you can monitor in real time the percentage of battery charge and the voltage supplied. This data is taken from thebattery_statustable of the database.