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Specifications:This single board computer was used because it offers good performances but it has reduced dimensions and power consumption compared to other models produced by the Raspberri Pi foundation.
To power the system was used a device that connects directly to the GPIO head of the Raspberry Pi. This board is able to supply battery information via the I2C bus and takes care of the battery recharging process. To be able to charge the battery from the outside, a micro-USB extension cable was attached to a face of the solid.
Specifications:Sensor that contains a 3-axis accelerometer and a gyroscope in an integrated circuit. It uses a standard I2C bus to communicate with the Raspberry Pi.
A RTC (Real Time Clock) module is used to keep the date and time up to date and memorized even when the device is turned off. The module is powered by a 3 volt CR2032 battery and communicates with the Raspberry Pi through an I2C bus.