
  1. Introduction
  2. HW requirements
  3. SW requirements
  4. UPnP services used
  5. The UPnP control point
  6. The UPnP media renderer (smart speaker)
  7. The user interface

Appendix (UPnP control point):

Set Up a Running CP - General Procedure (cont'd)

5. Install and build Cyberlink C++ library

Return back to the CP sources folder and unzip/untar the third source package with the command:

$ gzip -d CyberLink4CC.tar.gz && tar -xf CyberLink4CC.tar

When finished, step into the brand new folder with the same name of the archive and prepare to build sources

$ cd CyberLink4CC

$ ./configure --enable-libxml2

$ make

$ sudo make install

6. Install control point sources

When all the previous installation are completed, the last archive to extract is the main control point folder:

$ gzip -d controlpoint.tar.gz && tar -xf controlpoint.tar

7. Install UI web server

Another thing to do before start to compile control point sources and running programs is to install on the same machine that host CP a simple and lightweight HTTP server that is able to run .cgi scripts and in which user interface will reside. There are several alternatives available on the open source world; in this case, lighttpd was chosen for its simple configuration and its less heavier occupation in terms of disk space and cpu/ram usage. It's also directly available on debian 8.x default repositories, so there's no need for 'compiling from source' in this case:

$ sudo apt-get install lighttpd

A successful installation can be detected if the web server reply to the page requested at its ip address (for example, using a browser on another host) with the classic 'placeholder page' index.html