
  1. Introduction
  2. HW requirements
  3. SW requirements
  4. UPnP services used
  5. The UPnP control point
  6. The UPnP media renderer (smart speaker)
  7. The user interface

Appendix (UPnP control point):

Set Up a Running CP - General Procedure (cont'd)

3. Install and build Xerces C++ parser

Enter the CP sources folder and unzip/untar the source package with the command:

$ gzip -d xerces-c-3.1.2.tar.gz && tar -xf xerces-c-3.1.2.tar

When finished, step into the brand new folder with the same name of the archive and prepare to build sources

$ cd xerces-c-3.1.2

$ ./configure

$ make

$ sudo make install

4. Install and build uHTTP for C++

Come back to the CP sources folder and unzip/untar the second source package with the command:

$ gzip -d uHTTP4CC.tar.gz && tar -xf uHTTP4CC.tar

When finished, step into the brand new folder with the same name of the archive and prepare to build sources

$ cd uHTTP4CC

$ ./configure

$ make

$ sudo make install