
  1. Introduction
  2. HW requirements
  3. SW requirements
  4. UPnP services used
  5. The UPnP control point
  6. The UPnP media renderer (smart speaker)
  7. The user interface

UPnP Services Used:

Audio Video Transport Service (AVTS)

This service allows control point to manage audio renderer streams, those are performed directly using the audio NAS as source. The model offered is a generic command interface and provides a wide range of playback devices, but in this case only a minimum implementation is needed (user interface and smart speaker "do the remainings"). Here there is the list of the AVTS actions that control point, and also media renderer, implements*:

Action NameParameters / Return Type
SetAVTransportURIput for the current stream (InstanceID) an URI string with, optionally, some metadata as third parameter
GetTransportInfofor the actual stream, obtain transport state, status and play speed
GetPositionInforeturn strings with current URI and stream position infos (time, counter), both in absolute and relative ways
Stopsend the InstanceID to be stopped
Playsend the InstanceID to be played at the current transport URI and with current position/speed
Pause**send the InstanceID to be put in pause state
Seekgo to the specified InstanceID position (target) in the given unit

[*] There are other 5 actions that are 'required' for an UPnP certified MediaRenderer:1, but 3 are simply some 'getters' (GetMediaInfo, GetDeviceCapabilities, GetTransportSettings) and 2 are commands that are not used by the interface (Next, Previous) because the last 2 are implemented via UI

[**] 'Pause' action could be optionally implemented, according UPnP standards, but in this case the choice is to provide this action anyway both in renderer and in control point